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Spencer Barnes

WD-HAN rocks the National Mall for the annual Cherry Blossom Festival

WD-HAN travels to Washington DC to perform on the National Mall during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival

Guys, have you ever seen Cherry Blossoms in real life? They’re unbelievable!

Over this last weekend, we were lucky enough to be invited to play on a stage set up right in the middle of the National Mall, between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building.

We rocked. We ate amazing food. We rode electric scooters!

The thing that really struck me was the size of everything. The Smithsonian, the monuments, the Pentagon, the institutions of power are huge! Despite that, among all that grandeur the city feels alive. It was buzzing for the Cherry Blossom Festival, and there really are Cherry Blossoms everywhere! I had no idea.

Even from spending a couple of days in DC, it’s obvious the food is amazing, the music and culture is incredible and it’s honestly a stage and a setting I’ll never forget.


Read the Press Release here.

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